“WOW! You absolutely ‘wowed’ me with your uncanny…

…ability to immediately identify my boys completely different needs with dead-on accuracy.  THank you for sharing your wonderful wisdom and wit-all before 9*30AM- you took time out of your busy day to help our family.  I was SO TOUCHED by this.  I will aways remember your kindness.”                                          It’s Meryl Time Mommy

“Meryl, Thank you for ALL of your encouragement, love, …

…and support.  You have been a rock for us for more that 1 ½ years.   We truly appreciate all that you do for us: from weekend visits, to talking at our Family Meetings, joining our Team, to emotional support, to making our daughter be successful (even on her ‘off’ days.  I never your place without hope in my heart.  Thank you for being you! With your help, WE raised $5000 for Autism Research. Thank you!”        It’s Meryl Time Family

“Thank you, Meryl, so much for everything that you did to help…

…our daughter in the school year.  It is so rare to see such a wonderful Speech Pathologist that shows so much passion for her craft.  As a Family, we feel honored to have you teaching our daughter and look forward to a prosperous and fulfilling upcoming year.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“I wouldn’t be where I am now without you!”

It’s Meryl Time Friend, High School Graduate

Dear Meryl, You have become so incredibly special to us,…

…both professionally and personally.  You truly have become like part of our family and we appreciate all that you have done for us.  We don’t know what we’d do without you!! We couldn’t be more grateful that you are in our lives!!”  Meryl Time Family

“Meryl, we want to thank you for all you have done for our daughter…

…She loves coming to see you, and doesn’t realize how much she’s learning while having fun.  Our daughter expresses herself clearly, confidently, and without frustration.  Other people are also understanding her without looking to us for translation.  We LOVE the sound of our daughter’s voice.  Thanks for helping to bring it out.  Very fondly,               It’s Meryl Time Parents

“Dear Meryl, Thank you for teaching me how..

to learn and play games.  I really like the Monkey Room, it is so fun! Meryl Time is so fun! You are funny! You make me feel smart! I love you, Meryl, but I’m not going to marry you!”         …………..It’s Meryl Time Friend, Age 7-years.  

“Dear Meryl, It’s been great working with you!…

You make me happy when you work with me. Meryl, you’re a really good friend.  I really like when I work with you! I love you!”                                                                            ……………..                   It’s Meryl Time Friend, Age-5  1/2 years

“We cannot describe what a blessing you have been to our family this year…

You have been there for us with everything while helping our son find his voice and use it so beautifully, while being his sister’s special friend.  thank you for welcoming our whole family with opened arms.”  It’s Meryl Time Family 

“I just wanted to thank you for the time we shared together…

and most importantly all your help, guidance and assistance with both our children.  Words can not express how much you changed our lives!  Your experience is remarkable and that affected our son in so many beautiful ways.  We can’t thank you enough for your love and care towards us and our family.”     A Very Special It’s Meryl Time Family

“I have greatly appreciated…

your assistance with our son; he has made a lot of improvements while you have worked with him. We appreciate everything you have done for him and our family.”    It’s Meryl Time Family

“You have made such a huge difference…

in our lives.  We refer to you as an angel on Earth because you have blessed us so much!  Our son is thrilled because he thinks he can come see you every day- you did tell him whenever he wants! :0)  We let him know we would have to make “play dates”.  You will definitely always be a part of our lives and we hope to lead anyone who is dealing with the issues we have experienced your way.”     A Very Loving  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Truly, there are no words to thank you…

for everything you have done for our family (14+ years and counting…), your wisdom and expertise, the love you have shown us…our respect and gratitude to you is simply unending… Just as our LOVE is unending….   xoxoxo forever “ It’s Meryl Time Family

“We love you!!!!

Thank you for for all the clarity you have brought to all of our lives!!” A Very Special It’s Meryl Time Family

“I just got the compliment of a lifetime…

I was facilitating a conversation between (three of my children) and (one of them told me) “You sound like Meryl.” Yay!”       Proud It’s Meryl Time Daddy

” The new study out on infants…

who were cured of autism could have been written by u!! That’s exactly what u taught me to do w my daughter and it cured her.”       Proud It’s Meryl Time Mommy

“I come in…

CLUELESS, and come out DETERMINED! 12-years old, It’s Meryl Time Friend

“I can definitely hear…

(from our telephone conversation) the passion that you have for your work.  It’s Meryl Time Colleague

“Dear Dr. Meryl…

…Thank you so much for working and helping our son and daughter for the past few years! All of us have learned so much from you! I am especially proud of our son, because he is doing wonderful in school.  He speaks in class to ask questions, to answer questions and/or t oadd his own stories.  I cannot express enough, the deep gratitude I  have for you.  Thank you for helping our son’s speech, his confidence to speak, and his confidence in his own knowledge.  His transition to kindergarten has been a very pleasant one! Thank you again for everything!” Very Proud It’s Meryl Time Mommy and Daddy 

“Words can’t even explain…

…how grateful I am to have you as a a Mentor!! You have helped me so much in the past semester, and the last year, as well.  You are such an inspiration to me.  I hope to, one day, accomplish the things you have, and to make an impact on the children and families, like you have.  Thank you so much for opening up your practice and being so welcoming to me, with your time and information! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”                                                       It’s Meryl Time University Student Intern

“We have learned more from you…

… in our initial two-hour meeting than we learned from anyone else combined.  You’ve been great, and it makes us so happy to watch our child transform into a verbal communicator.”  Proud It’s Meryl Time Mommy and Daddy

“It was a very fortunate day for us when I…

… picked up the phone and dialed your number. I could tell right away how dedicated you are to your craft and most importantly that you love your Meryl Time kids. You made us feel so special and you became a part of our family. I truly felt your care and concern and utter devotion in seeing our son succeed. It is amazing to think back to the first therapy session when we were trying to get him to “use his words”. Through working with you I was able to see him blossom and I don’t think there could be a better sight in the world (he is the eight wonder to me). The joy I felt at each milestone makes me feel very grateful for this whole experience. I know you feel the same joy in the success that you see on a daily basis. Things other parents take for granted are celebrated and cherished. Every time my son says,”I love you Mom,” I think of how truly grateful I am to hear those words. I also know how things could have been very different had we not had you & other caring therapists in our lives. The ride that parents take on this journey is truly a see-saw of ups and downs. You are not only our therapist, but also out friend. You provided guidance through the mysterious world of IEP’s, diagnoses, and doctors. Your support was amazing and expertise beyond compare. How protective you are of your Meryl Time Family! I don’t know how you managed to make each family feel as special as we did, but you do! Your support, dedication, love, and friendship are cherished! We love you!”   An It’s Meryl Time Family

“Dear Meryl,

…Thank you so much for ALL that you have done.  It really has meant so much to our family. XOXO With love,”                                                                                                                                            It’s Meryl Time Gram, and It’s Meryl Time Mommy, and It’s Meryl Time Friend

“Meryl, I really cannot thank you enough…

…for all that you have done for me! I’ll try though!! Thank you SO much for answering when I first called and making me feel welcomed! You have such a kind heart.  Thank you for spending time working with me on homework and just making sure that I had all of the right paperwork.  I also wanted to tell you that I received a 100% on my Transcription from IP.A. to English (class).  Thanks for helping me with that! You have been a blessing to me and I thank you! I will never, ever, in my life, forget hearing you shout, “Tt’s Meryl Time!!!”    It’s Meryl Time University Student Intern

“You are truly ONE-OF-A-KIND…

…unique, and a treasure! And we treasure you dearly! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”    It’s Meryl Time Friend and Family

“As a mother and a special education teacher…

… I continue to be amazed at the growth in my child. My daughter, Abby, has been going to her Meryl Time appointments for two and a half years. When my daughter began our therapy sessions, Abby was using simple phrases to communicate her needs, she needed pictures cues to help her follow simple directions and had difficulties expanding her play activities. She is now in Kindergarten and is learning to read and write, follow directions in school and is initiating play with her friends everyday. Each and every week, the whole family looks forward to our Meryl Time lifeline. Meryl is fun, energetic and knowledgeable. She has helped me to focus on my child’s needs and has taught me how to be my child’s advocate. Abby is now confident and successful in every aspect of her life and I couldn’t be more grateful. Because of the bond we have built while working together as a team to help my child, she is considered a special honorary member of our family. We love her and are indebted to her forever.”                     Another It’s Meryl Time Family

“I consider…

….Ms. Meryl Rosenblum’s dedication to children with language problems to be exceeded only by her excellence in applying knowledge and research to each individual child who is fortunate enough to have Meryl as their therapist and advocate. As a professional –I am most comfortable in referring my clients–even the difficult cases involving nonverbal language and processing problems. Meryl offers optimum care in the area of speech and language development–children simply love her–making significant strides in their communication skills.” It’s Meryl Time Colleague

“I feel fortunate to…

…. have met another professional who sees the necessity for overall communication training, not just old-fashioned “Speech Therapy.” I have personally learned ways to facilitate and elicit language by setting up supportive environments and to treat every interaction as an opportunity for meaningful communication. Thank you Meryl Time!”                                      Another It’s Meryl Time Family

“I have always credited you…..

…..with nothing short of saving our son’s life–and ours–and putting us on the road to a life with a future.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“I just wanted to say Thank You for all…

…of your tremendous work, this year. It truly has been an awakening, a real eye opener for My Child’s needs. You hit the nail on the head, beautifully! Kudos to you!!”                                           It’s Meryl Time Parents

“I love…..

… playing games with you!”  It’s Meryl Time Little Friend

“I thank G-d everyday…

…. that our paths have crossed. You have made every difference in our son’s life. It is because of you and your care, dedication, talents and enthusiasm that his future will be a bright one!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“I wanted to thank you….

…. for allowing me to spend time with you in your office. I’m so glad you were able to give me insight on Speech Pathology because now I want to do more than before! “Meryl Time” was adorable, and the kids and parents seemed to enjoy themselves, feel comfortable and learn at the same time. You do such a wonderful job, I can certainly see why my father recommends patients to your care. Thanks again and I will be in touch!”  It’s Meryl Time Student Intern

“I was so proud….

… she read to her class for her birthday…How far we’ve come… Meryl taught me how to make my play-time more valuable by showing me how to encourage language through play. She showed me how to join into my daughter’s play so that I could promote more communication. I learned more about interacting with my child through Meryl than I ever did in my medical or residency training.”  It’s Meryl Time Parent

“In the car, on the way home…..

… my son said that your kiss changed him and he now knows he loves you! At bedtime, before we pray, he has to thank G-d for something from his day. This evening, he thanked G-d for his A+ strike free day and then added, “AND for a great time at Meryl Time!” I am so touched at how beautifully you have connected with my son! You ‘get’ him and have a true gift for connecting with him in a way that enables him to connect and communicate more effectively to the world.”  It’s Meryl Time Mommy

“It was a very fortunate…

… day for me when I picked up the phone and dialed Meryl’s phone number.”                              It’s Meryl Time Parent

“It’s because of Meryl’s dedication, ….

… care, talents, and enthusiasm that my son’s future will be bright.”  It’s Meryl Time Parent

“It’s hard to believe….

… that we have been seeing you long enough for my son to be as far along as he is but you are remarkable! Not just in your ability to help with speech. The ways in which you help and read children is truly a gift. You are a wonderful person with so much to offer!!! Thank you barely seems to cover it!”  It’s Meryl Time Parents

“It’s just about 11:30AM….

…. The bags are packed, and we are getting ready to head out on our weekly 1 hour and 15 minute pilgrimage. Where are we going? To Meryl Time of course. We are a Meryl Time family. We were a Meryl Time family when we lived in NJ just 30 minutes away, and when we moved to the middle of Delaware there was no discussion about not being a Meryl Time family. The only words our family and friends had to say were, “I guess you’ll be back to Jersey a lot for the princess’ therapy.” From the first conversation I had with Meryl about my daughter’s special needs, I was touched. The first thing Meryl said to me when she returned my call for an evaluation was, “First tell me, what is your daughter’s name?” NOT, “What is wrong with your daughter?” NOT, “What are the problems with your daughter?” Meryl treated my daughter as a little person with an identity, not a disabled child. Being a former special education teacher these words sounded home to my heart. During that conversation, Meryl displayed the kind of knowledge and experience necessary to treat children with special needs and the kind of compassion to sooth the hearts of parents who ache for understanding and guidance. Meryl knew the medical terminology that I had been exposed so much to since my daughter entered this world of ours. In that one conversation, Meryl explained to me what she believed may be going on with my angel girl and let me know, “You don’t worry about this one minute more. I am here for you now. Things will begin to get better.” You know what? She was right. Things have only been better since we became a Meryl Time family. Our daughter has progressed so far with her disability, and these gains have extended out into other areas of her development. Our home, family, and friends buzz with the teachings of Meryl. She not only treats my daughter, she treat my whole family. My family is the most precious thing to me, I wouldn’t dream of ever going to We will be a Meryl Time family for life (long after our pilgrimages to NJ end). Ah, It’s 11:35am. I have to go now. We need to be at Meryl Time by 1 o’clock. Can’t wait until we get there!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Meryl has been there for my daughter….

… and our family every step of the way….from our twice weekly therapy sessions to helping us prepare for and attending IEP meetings to working with our daughter in her classroom. From our first phone call where she gave us advice on who to contact and what websites to visit to 2 years later with our daughter about to enter TYPICAL Kindergarten. She gives 150% of her heart and soul to her kids and their families. Meryl is more than just our daughter’s therapist…she is the touchstone that we turn to whenever we need support and guidance.                           It’s Meryl Time Family

“Meryl has the ability to….

… ‘hear’ what people are saying on a deeper level and then, can relay the message back in a clear manner: so that people can understand what they are really feeling and thinking!!”        It’s Meryl Time Family

“Meryl is very…..

…. protective of her Meryl Time Families.”  It’s Meryl Time Colleague

“Meryl provided guidance through the…..

… mysterious world of IEPs, diagnoses, and doctors! Her support was amazing and her expertise , beyond compare.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Meryl was not only…..

… our son’s Therapist, but also our Friend!!”  It’s Meryl Time Parents

“Meryl’s guidance….

…. and going above and beyond the call of her job has made a new person of my child.”            It’s Meryl Time Parent

“So many people and ……..

… professionals, have come in and out of our lives over the past 11 years. None have had as life changing affect on our family as you have. You have freed my children to be all that they are glorious intended to be! They are on the right path, with your guidance, expertise, love and care. Personally, this has enabled me to take a big breathe and relax, because I can see it-their glorious selves. THE-BOYS-PLAY-TOGETHER! What a beautiful thing to see. I stand watching, thanking G-d for those precious moments.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Sometimes there are simply no words…..

… to describe the gratitude and appreciation we feel….. We will forever be indebted to you…. with sincere appreciation and admiration.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Thank you for doing such….

…. a wonderful job with my son. We feel fortunate to have you on his “therapy team.” I had the rare opportunity to watch a session on video–WOW– you are gifted. My son actually enjoyed watching too. Wanted you to know that I appreciate you and respect your work a great deal. I’m a big fan!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Thank you so much for allowing…

…. me to come and intern with you this summer! Words can’t express how much I’ve learned and how much fun I have had. Watching you work with children and seeing how you run your practice have been really inspiring and I now have a much better idea of what being a Speech-Language Pathologist entails.”  It’s Meryl Time Student Intern


“Thank you so much for your…

… help, devotion, and caring. It means more than you know.”  It’s Meryl Time Friends

“Thank you so much…….

… for being my son’s advocate at the IEP meeting.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“To say that having you in our lives….

… is a blessing would be an understatement. Your friendship and love for our family is so very much appreciated and we are extremely grateful and so very thankful. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are, thank you for loving our children. Thank you for your friendship which we are so thankful for. Thank you for helping our children be who they are today. We are so grateful! Most of all thank you for being you….”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“We are so….

… glad you are an important part of our son’s life!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“We tremendously thank you…..

… for a great year. Your guidance and going above and beyond the call of your job has made a new person out of my son. Not only have you been a great influence on him, but to us as well. It is so exciting to hear him talk about his day at school and to look forward to returning to class the next day! We appreciate all you have done and it was our pleasure to have crossed paths with you. I know a time will come, when we are on our own, but you will always be remembered by him and all of his family.  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Words can not describe….

… the gratitude I have for you and what you’ve done for my daughter. I get compliments all the time on how much better they can understand her when she talks and to me that speaks volumes for her and for the rest of her life in her self confidence.”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Words cannot express how…

… thankful we are for all you’ve done to help Our Son in his speech and language, this past year!! You have touched our lives!!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“You are leaving a…..

… legacy of healed children and families with all of the work that you do.”                                   It’s Meryl Time Colleague

“You are the greatest woman….

…..we’ve ever met. You care, you have this energy and compassion to make life better for us and all of your families. You are a role model worthy of emulation in heart, mind and spirit. By sharing your gifts with the world, you are creating a legacy that will bless your family for generations to come.”  A Very Special It’s Meryl Time Family

“You have been such……

… an important part of our family. I can’t tell you how much I respect you and trust your opinions. You have been a constant in our lives. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over the past year and a half. We will miss seeing your smiling face weekly. We will definitely keep in touch!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“You made us feel so…..

…. special and you have become a part of our family.”  It’s Meryl Time Parents

“Your dedication and caring……

… goes way beyond the call of duty and we so appreciate it! You truly have become a very special and important person in our family’s life, not only as a speech pathologist but as a friend and confident. You are one of a kind!”  It’s Meryl Time Family

“Dear Meryl, You have shown us…

… what love and friendship really mean. You are a wise and beautiful person. Thanks for making such a difference for our family, with all the love you give.                                          Dearest It’s Meryl Time Friends

“Meryl, It’s hard to believe…

… we have been seeing you long enough for our son to be as far along as he is, but you are remarkable! Not just in your ability to help with speech. The ways in which you help and read children is truly a GIFT. You are a wonderful person with so much to offer!!! Thank you BARELY seems to cover it!   It’s Meryl Time Parents

“Miss Meryl, Thank you so much for…

… EVERYTHING you have done for our family in the past 9 months. I cannot begin to explain how grateful we are for your kindness, patience, gerosity, and wisdom. I truly feel that I’ve learned as much, if not more, than the children! We appreciate you more than words 🙂 can say! Thanks and Forever grateful,   Another It’s Meryl Time Family

“Thank you…

… for all you’ve done, and you are, and your deep sense of caring; mostly your intuitive nature and knowledge. My Grand-daugher is better for having been in your care. I’m better for knowing you.   It’s Meryl Time Bubbe

“We just want to say Thank-You for…

… all your hard work and dedication with our daughter. we are so happy with her speech skills and her progress she has made with you! She just loved coming to “Meryl Time” with you. You made her time together with you so fun!! 🙂 I really appreciate all that you have done to help our daughter, as well as myself with her! I even learned so much.                                                       Proud It’s Meryl Time Mommy and Daddy